VIDEO: Metadata, the newest Dejero Control feature

October 23, 2019

Did you know that we have a metadata tagging feature in Dejero Control? With the metadata tagging feature, broadcasters, media organizations, and production companies can automate the generation of information that describes the content of their media assets, saving significant time and effort in content retrieval through advanced search capabilities.

Tagging setup is managed within Dejero Control, our cloud-based management system for routing and managing content, configuring and managing Dejero equipment, and viewing performance data and other analytics—accessible from a web browser.

Administrators can customize templates within Control to be used across all recorded clips and automate content tagging on the transmitter in the field to add relevant metadata.

Interested in seeing how easy it is to set up and manage? Watch the how-to instructional video to get you started!

Looking for a printable copy of the Dejero Control product brief? Click here.

Interested in learning more about how Dejero can simplify your content contribution and distribution workflows? Click here to connect with one of our sales representatives.

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